Roosevelt High School Theatre and Boosters present:

Light Up The Stars! 

31st Annual Dinner Theater with Live and Silent Auctions

The fundraising social event of the year!

Entertainment by Roosevelt High School Theatre Students
Catered Sit Down Dinner
No Host Beer and Wine
Dessert Dash
Great Live And Silent Auction Items
Spring Musical Reveal and More!

With your support, the funds that we raise allow us to provide:

Scholarships to students needing assistance
Collaborations with professional theater organizations
Costumes, props, lighting, and sound equipment
Participation in local and national thespian events
63rd Annual Drama Festival of student-directed One Act Plays 
Renowned dramatic plays and musical productions

Thank You to the 2018 Light Up the Stars Sponsors! 

Associated Friends of Roosevelt Drama

P.O.  Box 15886 Seattle, WA 98115

Tax ID#27-0604574

Event Info

Nov 3, 2017 6:00 PM PDT

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